Who can join the PTO?
We welcome all parents and caregivers, as well as school faculty and staff to become PTO members.
What is the cost to join?
$25 - Family membership
$10 - Teachers & Staff Membership
Dues are paid annually and provide access to all PTO events and fundraisers.
Do I have to volunteer?
Volunteering is always appreciated, never required.

What are the benefits of joining the PTO?
You are the first to know about and support PTO events through a monthly emailed PTO newsletter.
You are eligible for discounts for select events (i.e. registration fees, refreshments, or bonus raffle tickets).
Your membership dues help fund investments back to the school.
You gain a wider network of families and faculty supporting our goals and mission.
You help promote transparency and build partnerships within the school community.
What does the PTO do?
As a non-profit organization, we:
Hosting school events, activities, and fundraisers are a key part of our PTO. We do not enlist product sales.
Through fundraising efforts, we help provide classroom supplies, cover field trip fees, staff appreciation events, and fun activities for our students, faculty, and community.
We aim to provide support for our students, staff, and KWES families.
Our events and activities promote community within our school and surrounding area.
This link takes you to the PTO Square site to complete payment.
Please provide the name(s) of your student(s) along with grades and teacher's name (if known). All information is kept confidential.